Friday, June 27, 2008

Beyond The Wall

The morning mist cleared leaving inky puddles in its wake. Three roman soldiers passed through the wall gate and trudged out on their usual morning patrol.

'You've got to curse old emperor Hadrian for building this bloody thing' Decimus remarked to his two comrades as he tightened the clasp on his cloak.

'I can't believe we've been stationed up here with these fucking savages over yonder' moaned Carbo picking a pebble out of his sandal and pointing northwards to the hills.

'Yep at least the town garrisons have women, all we got here is wailing tribal banshees taunting us before disappearing back into the woods or mist … but have you seen them close up eh lads? Real women, feisty with plenty of fight, may the god Bacchus bless my cock and grant me a stab at one of those bitches!' laughed Fabius. His two comrades laughed as they hopped over the stones of a hissing hill stream and continued on their patrol.

The sun lazily climbed and as birds began to rustle about in the heather chirping contentedly at the warmth of the day. The three roman legionnaires followed the stream eastward and weaved in and out of the trees cautiously realising they were away from the safety of the wall and firmly in hostile territory. Decimus who was slightly ahead suddenly stopped and removed his helmet, cocking an ear upwards and waving back for the others to slow down and approach with caution. All three roman's crouched cat like in the undergrowth, each one a veteran of many an ambush. Gingerly Decimus eased his way back to his two comrades.

'There's two men and a woman washing just around the bend in the stream, I think I recognise the woman from a couple of weeks back when they tried to raid our section of the wall, she has fire in her belly, that's for sure.' Whispered Decimus with a salacious grin.

'Shall we take them?' asked Carbo, his excitement evident.

'Why not!? Besides I'm gagging for a fuck and the barbarian bitch will give us some sport' chortled Fabius quietly.

The three hastily hatched a plan. Fabius was to approach them alone and act unaware whilst Carbo and Decimus would hide in the undergrowth and attack from the rear when the three barbarians moved in, and as the three roman's knew, if the barbarians sensed they had the upper hand they would attack, kill and loot the corpse before disembowelling it, such was their hatred of the romans.

Fabius walked on making as much noise has he could, aimlessly hacking the heather with his sword as he seemed oblivious to the known dangers ahead. Three blood curdling screams went up as the barbarians noticed the lone roman legionnaire, feigning surprise Fabius raised his shield and raised his sword aloft which glistened in the morning sun. Within moments the three long haired pict barbarians were almost upon him, shouting an ear shattering war cries as they approached. The two males came first hurling their spears in primal anger. The first spear whistled overhead whilst the second lodged squarely in Fabius's shield, shivering as it did so under the ferocity of the throw. The barbarian woman stood behind whistling a primitive club above and around her cascading locks of red hair, screaming and taunting as she did so.

Then the trap was sprung, Carbo and Decimus appeared out of the undergrowth and in turn threw their roman pilum spears. Carbo's found its mark, impaling a barbarian in the vitals, he went down with a blood curdling shout, his bloody hands frenziedly trying to remove the spear but to no avail.

Decimus missed his target but had drawn his sword and was now charging the stunned barbarian nearest to him. It was all over quickly, roman stoic discipline versus barbarian raw anger. The barbarian swung a huge club, Decimus ducked the blow and stabbed upwards with his short sword under the savages rib cage. A blood curdling scream issued from the barbarian followed by crimson fluid gushing down through his yellowed teeth down over his chin as he slumped to the ground. This only left the barbarian woman who seeing the loss of her kinsmen charged Fabius who had now plucked the spear from his shield.

Red curly hair flew in all directions as the barbarian warrior woman rained blow after blow with her primitive club down upon the roman's shield. The other two roman soldiers closed in, grinning as they did so, savouring their moment. The barbarian woman became more hysterical but the ferocity of her blows became less vigorous as she noticeably tired. Soon Carbo saw his chance and sidestepped behind her, bring down the pommel of his sword down on the back of her neck.

The barbarian woman crumpled to the floor. In the silence the three roman soldiers methodically cleaned their weapons and began to unfasten their leather armour, smiling at each other in satisfaction as they did so.

'Strength and honour comrades!' gasped Carbo still trying to regain his composure.
One of the two barbarian males still flailed in the undergrowth blood gushing from his wound. Decimus ended it quickly with another sword thrust to his throat before wiping his blade on the heather.

'So what shall we do with her?' asked Fabius sporting a sardonic grin.
'why fuck her of course!' replied Carbo, parting the leather fronds of his tunic and sporting an erection for the other two to see.

The three soldiers dragged their captive to a clearing under the shade of a tree binding her wrists tightly with coarse rope from one of their back packs. Decimus then emptied the contents of his animal skin flask over the barbarians woman's face.

She came around with a piercing scream and realising she was bound flipped and jerked on the ground like a tormented animal, much to the amusement of her captors. A few minutes of struggling passed till her strength gave out, she lay panting, eyes widened and roving, still looking for a chance to escape.

'Pick her up Decimus, lets get a better look at the bitch.' ordered Fabius calmly.
Decimus helped by Carbo grabbed her arms and roughly hoisted her to her feet. Fabius hung back, knowing her feet were still unfettered and a kick to his balls was likely. His prediction proved right and the red headed woman vigorously kicked out with her remaining strength. Carbo jabbed her heavily in the ribs, she buckled and the two roman's holding her swiftly secured her ankles with rope.

The barbarian woman slowly regained her composure and stared defiantly ahead, her scarlet hair matted to her forehead that was now brimming with a patina of perspiration. With mock affection Fabius gently teased a coil of hair away from her face, smiling as he did so. He then raised a dagger and began to cut the green tunic away from the warrior woman, within seconds she was naked before the three men and still staring defiantly ahead. Fabius stepped back to appraise her naked form.

'I'd say she's about 23 summers old lads, looks a virgin too, no way would this savage bitch let anyone easily fuck her, except us eh ?!'

Fabius's eyes roamed over her naked form, full red ruby lips adorned a proud but pale northern face framed by swathes of red hair, her full half melon breasts heaved in anger still. His eyes lowered and noticed wide child bearing thighs, strong legs tapering down punctuated by a dense thatch of red pubic hair.

'Boys, she'll fetch a hefty bounty if we take her back and she's sold as a slave' remarked Fabius.

'But I need a fuck' replied Carbo with some urgency and feeling no shame as he caressed his throbbing cock under his tunic.

'She'll fetch thrice the normal rate if she's a virgin' interjected Decimus who was struggling to contain the slightly rested captive.

'Settled then lads, we'll fuck her arse, wash her down in the stream and take her back a virgin.' Fabius said flatly, knowing full well the bounty would be a welcome bonus to his normal earnings.
Carbo delved into his marching pack and produced four tent pegs from a side compartment, and then the roman's tied the barbarian woman face down spread eagled in the grassy glade, taking liberty to grope their captive as they did so. Fingers explored and delved roughly, nipples were pinched harshly as the roman's secured her firmly to the ground.

'Remember lads, try not to mark her too much or she won't sell for as much' ordered Fabius.

The roman's then drew lots using blades of grass to see who would fuck the hapless barbarian woman first. Carbo won and with a cackling noise mounted his squirming victim from behind. Decimus stood on the edge of the clearing watching out for any more babarians, after all they didn't want to be caught with their tunics down so to speak.

'Hell fire, by Mercurius she's not letting me fuck her arse easily' rasped Carbo who eased off, sat back and let a dribble of saliva enter the valley of barbarian woman's ample and ripe rear.

Decimus jumped suddenly as the barbarian woman let out a wail of misery, he looked back to see Carbo heaving hurriedly up and down on her, his cock shuddered, soon it would be his turn as the others kept a look out.

Fabius now knelt before the red head, his turgid column parting through the tunic, his bulbous end was now dotted with a sliver of pre-cum, he roughly grabbed her tousled hair and forced his cock against the woman's mouth. She grimaced with clenched teeth unwilling give her tormenter any quarter. Fabius drew his dagger and held the point at her throat whilst holding her nose, soon she gasped and with reluctance allowed his cock to forge past her lips and slide along her cushioned tongue rhythmically.

It was going to be a long morning for the pictish barbarian woman.....